Lewes History Group research talk: The Norman Conquest – Thursday 3 March 2022, 7.30pm

A Zoom Webinar

Dr Marc Morris: The Norman Conquest – why does it matter?

In addition to our monthly talks, we are trialing occasional talks on broader topics suggested by members which could inform their research interests, or throw some light on how Lewes was affected by major historical events and periods.

This second talk looks at The Norman Conquest, a period key to the foundation of Lewes.

1066 is the most famous date in English history. Everyone remembers the story – depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry – of William the Conqueror’s successful invasion, and King Harold being felled by an arrow in the eye. But why do we remember 1066 above all other dates, and why do the events of that year matter so much?

Dr Marc Morris is the author of The Norman Conquest. His other books include The Anglo Saxons: A History of the Beginnings of England  and highly acclaimed biographies of King John and Edward I. He presented the TV series Castle and wrote its accompanying book.

Marc Morris - The Norman Conquest

To join this talk, you need to
1) register your intention in advance
2) receive our confirmation email with a link to the talk
3) click on that link to attend the talk 10 minutes before it starts

LHG Members can attend our talks for free. We will send members emails with a link to Zoom registration. Then please follow steps 1, 2, and 3 as above. 

Non-members can buy a ticket (£4) from TicketSource. The ticket will provide a link to Zoom registration. Then please follow steps 1, 2, and 3 as above.

Please join the webinar at 7:25pm.

We would recommend a computer screen or an iPad as a minimum screen-size for viewing our webinars.

Our presenters will be speaking live, and you can ask questions by typing in the Q&A box in Zoom.

See the Talks page for a list of  forthcoming monthly events organised by the Lewes History Group.


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